Rev. Rick King is called as pastor of Falcon Heights Church

The congregation of Falcon Heights Church, United Church of Christ, voted unanimously Aug. 13 to call the Rev. Rick King as our next lead pastor. He will join us Nov. 1, after completing his current interim ministry in Colorado.

Rev. Rick graduated from Yale Divinity School in 1989 and was ordained Jan. 28, 1990. Over the past 27 years, he has been called into covenant with several congregations, serving 10 years in Winona, Minnesota, and eight years in Longmont, Colorado. He has also served in interim roles in Illinois, Colorado and North Carolina. He is a member of the First Congregational Church in Loveland, Colorado.
Rick and his wife, Linda, have three teen-agers: Gabe, who will start high school in St. Paul this fall; Samuel, who will remain in Colorado with his mother for his senior year; and Elijah, a student at Lewis and Clark College in Oregon.

Congregation approves expanded Open and Affirming statement

At a congregational meeting Sunday, March 19, members of Falcon Heights Church unanimously adopted a revised Open and Affirming (ONA) statement that not only recognizes and affirms people of any sexual orientation, but also those of any gender identification and gender expression, as “equal recipients of God’s love.”

The new statement was developed through a process that included several well-attended Sunday meetings where members of the congregation could learn about and discuss transgender and gender identity issues. The expanded statement commits our church to working to make justice and inclusivity a reality in the community as well as in the congregation.

Read the original and revised statements:

ONA statement


See videos of Service of Prayer & Lament on Facebook

Videos of the July 9, 2016, Service of Prayer and Lament for all those involved in or affected by recent shootings are now posted on the Falcon Heights Church Facebook page,

New Vision Statement for our church

After a year of conversation and study, the congregation of Falcon Heights Church, United Church of Christ, has adopted a new vision statement:

“Seekers and servants, growing in God’s transforming love.”

The statement is a milestone in an ongoing process in which our congregation is seeking to discern what God wants us to be and do. Guided by a Discovery Team of lay members, we examined our past, our joys and disappointments, our hopes and dreams, exploring these themes in worship and writing down our thoughts for all to consider.

Rachel Flaherty has worked this statement into a stunning mural, using the colored sticky notes offered by members over the past year. The mural was displayed in the chancel during worship last Sunday and will be set up for viewing in various areas of the church.

Vision Statement mural

Our Executive Board now will develop a mission statement with specific goals to guide us in realizing our vision.