Donate to March food drive

We’re beginning a month-long food drive to collect food and money for the Department of Indian Work food shelf. Interfaith Action in St. Paul runs this year-round program.

Your donations to the Generous Spirit Food Drive through the end of March will directly benefit hungry people. Donations to this drive also helps determine the amount of the incentive grants the food shelf receives from Minnesota FoodShare. The incentives are based on the total weight of food received along with dollars received.

High-priority items include dry and canned goods and personal care items. Read more

Place food donations in the bins in the church lobby. To donate money, write a check payable to Interfaith Action with “Food Drive” in the memo line and put in the collection plate. You can also give online at


Food shelf facts

  • Adults, children and seniors made more than 3 million visits to Minnesota food shelves in 2015. That’s almost 9,000 people per day seeking food assistance.
  • At the Department of Indian Work, 2,141 people visited the food shelf last year and 69,095 pounds of food were distributed.
  • Last March, together with area faith communities and individual donors, Interfaith Action collected 3,869 pounds of food and raised $14,028 in donations.

More hunger facts