Transgender — the T in LGBTQ

This month, we begin a discussion series about the “T” in LGBTQ. The Open and Affirming Working Group invites you to three after-worship conversations in January, from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We will learn more what “transgender” means and find some answers to questions and misconceptions about gender identity and gender expression.  The discussions […]

Transgender — the T in LGBTQ

This month, we begin a discussion series about the “T” in LGBTQ. The Open and Affirming Working Group invites you to three after-worship conversations in January, from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We will learn more what “transgender” means and find some answers to questions and misconceptions about gender identity and gender expression. The discussions […]

Womens March Minnesota

As Falcon Heights Church, we will provide an opportunity to gather and carpool to the Women’s March Minnesota at the state capitol on Jan. 21. Marchers are asked to be at the event meeting point by 10:30 a.m. Please watch the TAB and Sunday bulletin for details about when and where we as a church […]

Transgender — the T in LGBTQ

This month, we begin a discussion series about the “T” in LGBTQ. The Open and Affirming Working Group invites you to three after-worship conversations in January, from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We will learn more what “transgender” means and find some answers to questions and misconceptions about gender identity and gender expression. The discussions […]

Explore the book of Revelation

Ever wondered what to make of Revelation, the strange, final book of the New Testament? How do we as progressive Christians understand the wild and often violent imagery of this piece? What was the historical context for these writings and the author’s original intent? Why has a literal interpretation of these writings become so popular […]

300 Sandwiches for Simpson House

This 6:30 p.m. outreach project is a great way to get your whole family involved. We don hairnets and plastic gloves (all provided) and assemble 300 sandwiches, along with a number of lunch bags. Outreach Ministry Team members drive these to the Simpson House shelter in Minneapolis later that evening. The next day, the sandwiches […]

Engaging retirement

Because so much of our adult life is devoted to work, our individual identity is often closely tied to our work. When we retire, we need to shed the identity and the time demands that have dominated our life. And while letting go, we need to find the “new me” and refocus on our relationships […]

Explore the book of Revelation

Ever wondered what to make of Revelation, the strange, final book of the New Testament? How do we as progressive Christians understand the wild and often violent imagery of this piece? What was the historical context for these writings and the author’s original intent? Why has a literal interpretation of these writings become so popular […]

Engaging retirement

Because so much of our adult life is devoted to work, our individual identity is often closely tied to our work. When we retire, we need to shed the identity and the time demands that have dominated our life. And while letting go, we need to find the “new me” and refocus on our relationships […]

Mardi Gras party and Service of Ashes

Join us for food, games and fun on "Fat Tuesday" before the start of Lent. "Breakfast for supper" at 5:30 p.m. We wrap up with a brief Service of Ashes before the evening ends at 7 p.m.