Growing together
Seekers and servants, growing in God’s transforming love
Our congregation spans five generations! We delight in finding ways for us to explore, sing, pray, laugh and serve others together. Sometimes we gather in age-specific groups so we can seek God’s truth in ways that fit for us. We believe children’s trust in God and their understanding of God’s world are more often “caught” than “taught,” and you’ll see many active learning opportunities for youngsters at Falcon Heights Church.
Sunday child care
You may find our littlest ones (up to age 5) being lovingly cared for in our toy- and book-filled nursery. Our child care staff and assistants provide loving care and encouragement in a spacious and sunny room adjacent to our sanctuary.
Children in church
Children are welcome in our worship, even the youngest. Each service includes a children’s message and conversation with the pastor up in front on the chancel steps. There is a cozy carpeted area in the back of the sanctuary, complete with coloring materials, picture books and a rocking chair for nursing moms, so children can move freely between pews and quiet play.
Faith formation
Children absorb the meaning of the Biblical tradition through storytelling, music, drama, active play, singing, praying, and simply being around adults doing the same. They learn to care about the needs of others through hands-on outreach projects. They come to understand worship by hearing pieces of Scripture, choir anthems, hymns and songs, snippets of a sermon and the congregation naming joys and concerns for prayer.
Arts and music
Our children are involved in an original Christmas pageant each December, as well as a spring musical, each performed as part of our Sunday worship.