What to expect
We want you to feel at home when you visit Falcon Heights Church. Our congregation is friendly, our worship is simple and understandable, and our building is easy to find your way around. Here’s what you can expect when you join us on a Sunday morning.
Easy access
Parking is available in our parking lot across Garden Avenue from the church, as well as on city streets. Our building is handicap-accessible, and we offer large-print bulletins and assistive hearing devices.
A warm greeting
Our Welcome Team will greet you at the door, direct you around the building and answer your questions. We encourage you to sign our guest book so we can follow up with you. You’ll also find signs with the day’s activities in our lobby. We invite you to stay and talk with us during coffee hour after the service.
A rich worship experience
You’ll hear scripture, prayer, sermons and songs each Sunday. There are special musical performances by our choir and intergenerational pageants or musicals several times a year. Music is very important to Falcon Heights Church, whether it be traditional hymns, folk, gospel or jazz. We invite everyone to get involved. Our printed worship bulletin will tell you what to expect during the service.
Communion open to all
Holy Communion is offered the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome to partake of the bread and grape juice.
A special welcome for children
Falcon Heights Church is committed to including children in worship and providing a nurturing environment for families. Your children are invited to hear a special lesson during Sunday worship, and we provide activity bags with story books and coloring supplies for their use during the service. We also offer nursery care for infants and young children starting at 9 a.m. each Sunday.
Want more information?
If you would like more information about our ministries, please complete a welcome card in the hymnal rack and place it in the offering plate. Include your name and email and we will be in touch. Want to get our weekly email newsletter? Scroll to the bottom of any page on this website for an online signup form.
Information sessions for newcomers: These sessions are offered several times a year for those who want to learn more about us or are considering becoming members. Email Rev. Rick King if you’d like more information, [email protected].
Learn more about us
Come for dinner and learn all about our church on four Sunday evenings during our periodic Newcomer Information Series. Contact the church office for information.