Serving our wider community
Seekers and servants, growing in God’s transforming love.
Falcon Heights Church and members of our congregation support many emergency and community-building efforts through donations and volunteer service. The many community outreach opportunities we’re involved in include…
Community Outreach in the Falcon Heights-Roseville area
Meals on Wheels. Volunteers from Falcon Heights Church work with the Roseville Senior Program to deliver meals to homebound older and disabled adults, helping them to continue living independently.
Every Meal. Falcon Heights Elementary, a neighborhood school a few blocks from our church, sends packages of food home with low-income children to supplement their meals over the weekend. Falcon Heights Church currently is adding breakfast cereals each week for about 16 students.
Community Outreach in the greater Twin Cities
Habitat for Humanity (Holy Hammers). Our church is part of an ecumenical coalition of 15 Twin Cities churches working with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity to bring affordable housing to our community. Together, the Holy Hammers have been building homes in our area for 25 years and donating money to help sponsor our building projects.
Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul. We collect food year-round for the food shelf at Interfaith Action’s Department of Indian Work, as well as winter mittens, hats, socks and other warm clothing for people who use the department’s services. We also participate in School Tools, another Interfaith Action program that collects school supplies in late summer for homeless and low-income children.
Breakfast for hungry kids
Holy Hammers/Habitat for Humanity
Hat and mitten tree