Living our faith
This is our vision of what God calls us to be as a congregation:
Seekers and servants, growing in God’s transforming love.
This vision is grounded in our shared beliefs:
- God calls people into congregations so they might be partners in God’s work of healing, justice and mercy.
- Compassion, mutual respect and reflecting God’s inclusive love of all people are central to our life together in this community.
- We are each called to a life-long spiritual journey of growing in love and service to others.
- The life, teachings and living presence of Jesus Christ form our primary, but not exclusive, guide for our life together.
- We celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion as signs of God’s invisible grace among us.
- We take the Bible seriously, but not literally, and study it as the foundation of our faith.
- As part of the wider United Church of Christ, we live in covenant with other congregations, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Our Covenant with each other
Falcon Heights Church has adopted a Covenant to guide us as a congregation. We use these words at the beginning of every meeting to remind us of what binds us together in Christian love.
“We will–
SPEAK the truth in love,
CELEBRATE each other’s gifts and perspectives,
CHOOSE the good of the whole church over our individual preferences and comforts.”
Falcon Heights Church welcomes people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions into our full life and ministry.
Our mission statement
Falcon Heights Church, United Church of Christ, seeks to become a demonstration plot for the reign of God on earth, sowing seeds of love, peace and justice, and cultivating the transformative possibilities revealed in Jesus Christ, the Master Gardener. We will:
- Offer unconditional welcome, sanctuary and spiritual nourishment to everyone hungry for God’s love.
- Tend to our inner transformation through prayer, the exploration of scripture, kindness, forgiveness and openness to God’s still-speaking voice.
- Share God’s restorative power to repair injustice within our wider community through witness and service.
- Teach about our faith and inspire deeper connections with God through vibrant worship and a wide spectrum of music and the creative arts.