Engaging retirement

Because so much of our adult life is devoted to work, our individual identity is often closely tied to our work. When we retire, we need to shed the identity and the time demands that have dominated our life. And while letting go, we need to find the “new me” and refocus on our relationships […]

Explore the book of Revelation

Ever wondered what to make of Revelation, the strange, final book of the New Testament? How do we as progressive Christians understand the wild and often violent imagery of this piece? What was the historical context for these writings and the author’s original intent? Why has a literal interpretation of these writings become so popular […]

Engaging retirement

Because so much of our adult life is devoted to work, our individual identity is often closely tied to our work. When we retire, we need to shed the identity and the time demands that have dominated our life. And while letting go, we need to find the “new me” and refocus on our relationships […]

Mardi Gras party and Service of Ashes

Join us for food, games and fun on "Fat Tuesday" before the start of Lent. "Breakfast for supper" at 5:30 p.m. We wrap up with a brief Service of Ashes before the evening ends at 7 p.m.

Serve a meal at House of Charity

On Saturday, March 4, we are heading to the House of Charity in Minneapolis to prepare and serve a meal. We will meet in the church parking lot at 8:30 a.m. to carpool and return around noon. Between five and eight people are needed to help prepare food and serve it to residents and homeless […]

Wednesday evenings in Lent

All ages are invited to gather at 6 p.m. Wednesdays during Lent for soup supper, provided by the Adult/Intergenerational Ministry Team. Soup and bread provided; bring a salad or dessert to share if you are able. All are welcome! Contact Sue Gramith at [email protected] if you can help with making soup. At 6:30 p.m., kids […]

Wednesday evenings in Lent

All ages are invited to gather at 6 p.m. Wednesdays during Lent for soup supper, provided by the Adult/Intergenerational Ministry Team. Soup and bread provided; bring a salad or dessert to share if you are able. All are welcome! Contact Sue Gramith at [email protected] if you can help with making soup. At 6:30 p.m., kids […]

Congregational meeting March 19

Our congregation will meet after worship March 19 to consider a proposed expansion of our Open and Affirming statement and hear reports from the Foundation Board and the Pastoral Search Committee.

Wednesday evenings in Lent

All ages are invited to gather at 6 p.m. Wednesdays during Lent for soup supper, provided by the Adult/Intergenerational Ministry Team. Soup and bread provided; bring a salad or dessert to share if you are able. All are welcome! Contact Sue Gramith at [email protected] if you can help with making soup. At 6:30 p.m., kids […]

Wednesday evenings in Lent

All ages are invited to gather at 6 p.m. Wednesdays during Lent for soup supper, provided by the Adult/Intergenerational Ministry Team. Soup and bread provided; bring a salad or dessert to share if you are able. All are welcome! Contact Sue Gramith at [email protected] if you can help with making soup. At 6:30 p.m., kids […]