Choral offering: Schubert Mass in C

The Chancel Choir and a professional orchestra under the direction of Joel Johnson will present Schubert's Mass in C during worship.

Chair yoga class at Women’s Fellowship

The Women's Fellowship program for 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 5, will be chair yoga led by Jane Schroeher. Men are also welcome. Make sure you wear comfortable clothes. Jane is a certified yoga teacher and a retired public health nurse. She has practiced yoga for 13 years and enjoys the meditative and gentle aspects of […]

Epiphany celebration

Come celebrate Epiphany with us at 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 6, as we end the Christmas season with a chili cookoff and a bonfire on the patio. Epiphany marks the coming of the Magi in search of the Christ Child. The meaning of "epiphany" is "manifestation," and we celebrate it as a festival of light […]

Annual Congregational Meeting 2018

Our congregation meets each January to elect lay leaders, approve a budget and set the direction for the coming year.

Mardi Gras celebration

Join us for pancakes, games and fun for all ages on the eve of Lent. Supper at 5:30 p.m. After the party, we'll gather for a brief Service of Ashes to begin Lent.

Lenten soup supper

Join us at 5:45 p.m. for a soup supper every Wednesday during Lent. Afterward, stay for kid-friendly Lenten worship.

Lenten soup supper

Join us at 5:45 p.m. for a soup supper every Wednesday during Lent. Afterward, stay for kid-friendly Lenten worship.

Lenten soup supper

Join us at 5:45 p.m. for a soup supper every Wednesday during Lent. Afterward, stay for kid-friendly Lenten worship.