Vote to proceed with merger delayed
The Falcon Heights Church Executive Board has voted to delay a merger vote by the FHC congregation until later in 2025. The original plan was to vote at our annual congregational meeting in January.
The delay is to give the other partner in the proposed merger, New Life Presbyterian Church, time to process what a merger would mean for its members and come to a decision on how its congregation wants to proceed.
“[W]hy delay the vote? Because, while it’s normal to move quickly when we have clarity on the path ahead, it’s also normal to slow down and take more time when roadblocks appear and the way ahead is foggy,” FHC pastor Rev. Rick King wrote in a newsletter column.
“This situation calls for both courage and prudence: prudence until the way ahead becomes clear again, and courage to continue to seek God’s will and pursue it as though our life depends on it.”
New Life will take a straw poll of its members in November. Meanwhile, FHC will continue to invest in relationships through joint worship services and other activities, knowing that this builds a foundation for whatever the future may hold, King said.