Final Crossroads report and roadmap
This final Crossroads report will be presented at the annual congregational meeting Sunday, Jan. 26, 2020. A year ago, the Falcon Heights Church Crossroads Team began a journey with an […]
Late last year, the Minnesota Conference UCC invited our congregation to be part of a new church vitality program. The yearlong Crossroads program will help us answer the question: “What is God calling us to do and be…TODAY?”
We’re working with others in the conference and with a consultant to “look inward” at who we are and how we can “turn outward.” We’re talking about our dreams for the future and where we go from here. Crossroads will build on work we’ve already done in recent years, preparing us for new forms of ministry and leadership in response to a changing world.
A seven-member Crossroads Team, plus our pastor, meets the first Thursday of the month, with special meetings as needed. Watch this page for updates on our progress.
This final Crossroads report will be presented at the annual congregational meeting Sunday, Jan. 26, 2020. A year ago, the Falcon Heights Church Crossroads Team began a journey with an […]
One of the priorities that arose from a recent congregational discussion was to seek opportunities for sharing our space with partners that align with our mission and vision. In 2019 […]
One of our challenges is the governance structure of the church and the large number of people it requires. The Crossroads Team and the Executive Board came to that conclusion […]
The Crossroads Team has heard from the congregation that our church building (and parking lot) could be a great asset to the community. People have proposed ideas for sharing a […]
We asked you to identify experiments we can conduct as a congregation for connecting as a faith community, and you responded with gusto! We got lots of ideas for building […]
Thanks to everyone who weighed in with their votes on the ideas and suggestions offered by fellow congregation members as experiments to improve our relationships with each other and with […]
Many thanks to those who stayed for the last 15 minutes of Sunday’s service for a time of visioning, discernment and prioritization of the ideas and suggestions that members of […]
You can help set priorities for Falcon Heights Church. The Oct. 6 worship service will be structured with the last 15 minutes of the service transitioning from the sanctuary to […]
Our Crossroads Team
Team members include Margee Fabyanske, Cor Wilson, Conee Biggs, Larry Schumacher, Mary Gaasch, and Brian Knapp and Carol Holm (not pictured), along with the Rev. Rick King.