Work continues on Future Search; congregational working session April 20
March 28, 2024
By Bryan Seyfarth, moderator
At our recent congregational meeting, you’ll recall we shared four potential paths for our congregation that we would be exploring, under the name “Future Search 2024.” Important work is continuing in each of those areas, which we’ll share more about in our upcoming congregational working Session on April 20. I’ll share a bit about each of these four paths in each of the TAB issues leading up to the meeting.
One of those four paths is called “Merge, Sell, Partner, or Rent Space to/from Another Church(es),” and an area of exploration in this regard has been in conversations we’ve had with New Life Presbyterian Church, another progressive congregation located in Roseville, one mile east of us. This past Sunday we had a task force from our church meet with a task force from their church, to get to know one another and begin to explore a potential future together, while remaining in our building. We’ll meet with them again on Sunday, April 7, to continue the dialogue. These discussions are early-stage and exploratory but have also been very encouraging so far. We’ll report back to you all on this, along with information on the other three Future Search paths, in our meeting on April 20.
Our FHC task force working on this potential path consists of myself, Lynne Bradbury, Carol Holm, Patti Holmes, Rev. Rick, Jeanie Morrison, Margot Olsen and Larry Schumacher. Please don’t hesitate to ask any of us about our experiences so far; we’d love to share more!
If you haven’t yet, please mark your calendar for both of those important Saturday morning meetings that are right around the corner. Again, the congregational working session is on April 20 at 10 a.m., and the special congregational meeting on May 18 at 10 a.m.