Asking for your questions about the merger

June 27, 2024

By Rev. Rick King

Yesterday, Pastor Riz of New Life and I got together to brainstorm a series of short videos about our two-church merger process that we’ll be releasing in the fall. And we’d like to ask for your help.

Just as in a podcast, we plan to take your questions in the first several minutes of each video. Starting this Sunday, a question box at each church will be available with paper and pen for you to submit your questions, anonymously or with your name. If you prefer, you can send your questions to [email protected] instead of in the box.

These should be serious questions, asking for clarification, further information or background, even our thinking behind a particular issue, such as the discernment process, or particular plans for how the merger unfolds. We’ll do our best to answer with what we know so far, consulting task force members if necessary.

The videos will be produced in-house by a member of New Life who’s a YouTuber, and released in September, October and November. At this early planning stage, we’re thinking of focusing on three topics:

Having a mission beyond ourselves and why it’s important for the new church born of the merger.
Gratitude for how God is showing up in our life together, how it powers hope and helps us deal with grief.
What does it mean to “wait on God” in the Advent sense, and how does this apply to the approach?

We hope you watch these videos! We’re excited about them—chiefly because they’ll give you a glimpse inside our minds and hearts at what we believe is important about our merger and why it’s our best chance to serve our wider community.

Riz and I look forward to hearing from you!