Buy a blossom to help the food shelves
Help our neighbors in need by buying a white silk poinsettia for our Gathering Room Christmas tree! All proceeds from these sales will go to restock local food shelves.
Rather than offering live poinsettias for sale this year, we recognize that many people in our communities are struggling to make ends meet. So we’ve decided to redirect the money that would have been spent adorning the sanctuary to helping those who are food-insecure.
The silk blossoms are $15. Tell us who you’re honoring or remembering with your blossom by filling out the attached order form. Pay at the Scrip table during coffee hour through Sunday, Dec. 17, and hang your flower on the tree. Or you can send the form to the church office by Monday, Dec. 18, and we’ll hang a blossom for you.
Make checks out to Falcon Heights Church UCC and include the notation “Ornament.”