Wednesday soup suppers during Lent

All ages are invited to gather at 6 p.m. Wednesdays during Lent for soup supper, provided by the Adult/Intergenerational Ministry Team. Soup and bread provided; bring a salad or dessert to share if you are able. All are welcome!  Contact Sue Gramith at [email protected] if you can help with making soup.

At 6:30 p.m., kids will head to the spring musical rehearsal in the Sanctuary. Adults will join Pastor Anne in viewing and discussing the PBS Frontline series, “From Jesus to Christ.”

Speaking up for our values in these times

Our Outreach Ministry Team meeting is providing opportunities for our congregation to speak up about their values and beliefs during these turbulent times by writing postcards to their elected officials.

Members of the congregation are staffing a designated table after Sunday worship where people can make their voice heard on immigration, education and other topics. During coffee hour, blank postcards, postage, talking points and contact information for elected officials will be available in the Gathering Room. You will have a chance to write your own message and voice your own opinions about how elected officials might act in these days.

Kyle Roeckeman of the Outreach Ministry Team will be hosting the table and collecting ideas for future topics. Stop by and discuss your thoughts or leave your ideas on a sheet.

You might also want to read a message from Minnesota UCC Conference Minister Shari Prestemon on we can respond as people of faith to “a time that needs us to bring our best and whole selves.”

“Spiff the Biff” project is under way

The men’s and women’s bathrooms in our Court area are undergoing a major renewal project and will not be usable until early April. Initiated by our Properties Ministry Team last fall, with approval and funding by the Executive Board, this work will update and make more spacious the facilities in both bathrooms. It is funded by a generous gift received last year from a trust established by Helen Kelsey, who died in 2010. Helen and her husband, Arnie Kelsey, were longtime members of Falcon Heights Church.

This project is scheduled to be completed by Palm Sunday, April 9. Bob Olsen is tracking the project for the Properties Ministry Team, so you may address further questions to him. In the meantime, we will use the upstairs and downstairs handicap-accessible multi-gender bathrooms located near the elevator.

Karen weavers need your help practicing English

A group of older-generation Karen women weavers who meet weekly at the East Side Freedom Library to preserve their intricate traditional art are looking for English conversation partners. They would like volunteers interested in working on very simple, low-level, fun English on Wednesdays after 11 a.m. It could be every week or every other week. If you are interested, contact Nancy Duffrin at [email protected] or 651-348-7880 for more information.

All-church Fat Tuesday party Feb. 28

Join us from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, for our annual all-ages Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras party as we celebrate this traditional time of revelry and rich food before the solemn season of Lent. King cake, New Orleans-style music, games, and “breakfast for supper” of pancakes, sausages and fruit are on the agenda! Chris Gillis and Noah Keitel will provide music. We conclude with a brief, informal Service of Ashes at the end of the evening.

Lead pastor position posted online

The position of lead pastor for Falcon Heights Church, United Church of Christ, has now been posted on the websites of the national UCC and the Minnesota Conference. More information and a link to the national UCC ministry opportunities listings can be found on the Minnesota Conference jobs page.

Serve a meal at House of Charity March 4

On Saturday, March 4, we head to the House of Charity in Minneapolis to prepare and serve a meal. We will meet in the church parking lot at 8:30 a.m. to carpool and return around noon. Between five and eight people are needed to help prepare food and serve it to residents and homeless people. Call or text Nancy Ellias or Tracy Faville with questions or to sign up.

Serve a meal at House of Charity March 4

On Saturday, March 4, we are heading to the House of Charity in Minneapolis to prepare and serve a meal. We will meet in the church parking lot at 8:30 a.m. to carpool and return around noon. Between five and eight people are needed to help prepare food and serve it to residents and homeless people. Call or text Nancy Ellias (651-983-1157) or Tracy Faville (651-483-0260 or [email protected]) with questions or to sign up.

Weekday class: Finding the “new you” in retirement

Because so much of our adult life is devoted to work, our individual identity is often closely tied to our work. When we retire, we need to shed the identity and the time demands that have dominated our life. And while letting go, we need to find the “new me” and refocus on our relationships and use of time. To what does God call us at this stage of our lives?

The Rev. Philip Rohler, retired Church of the Covenant pastor and soon-to-be member of our congregation, will lead three Monday sessions, Feb. 13, 20 and 27, devoted to these questions. The time will be either 10 a.m. or 6:30 p.m., depending on interest. The focus will be on exploring the experiences of retirees with different retirement experiences, with follow-up discussion. Please contact Philip directly at [email protected] if you are interested in being part of this class.

New adult study: the book of Revelation

Ever wondered what to make of Revelation, the strange, final book of the New Testament? How do we as progressive Christians understand the wild and often violent imagery of this piece? What was the historical context for these writings and the author’s original intent? Why has a literal interpretation of these writings become so popular in American religious history? How might a non-literal interpretation of Revelation deepen our understanding of what it means to follow Jesus in this day and age?

Paul McCune-Zierath will lead this three-week study of Revelation during Sunday First Hour Feb. 5, 12 and 26 from 9:30 to 10:20 a.m. Paul brings years of biblical study, starting with his completion of a Master of Arts in Theology at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, and is eager to explore these curious and complex texts with us. Come to all the sessions, or just drop in for one.