New adult study: the book of Revelation
Ever wondered what to make of Revelation, the strange, final book of the New Testament? How do we as progressive Christians understand the wild and often violent imagery of this piece? What was the historical context for these writings and the author’s original intent? Why has a literal interpretation of these writings become so popular in American religious history? How might a non-literal interpretation of Revelation deepen our understanding of what it means to follow Jesus in this day and age?
Paul McCune-Zierath will lead this three-week study of Revelation during Sunday First Hour Feb. 5, 12 and 26 from 9:30 to 10:20 a.m. Paul brings years of biblical study, starting with his completion of a Master of Arts in Theology at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, and is eager to explore these curious and complex texts with us. Come to all the sessions, or just drop in for one.