Christmas giving opportunities 2019
Our annual Christmas giving drive starts now. Christmas is coming fast, so don’t delay!
You can make the holidays brighter for elders in long-term care, neighbors in need of food, kids in need of warm clothing, and LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness.
Check out the details below, and please give generously!
Christmas gifts for seniors
We’re collecting money and gift cards to help purchase gifts for seniors at Lyngblomsten Care Center. The Lyngblomsten staff will use your donations to buy gifts for their residents. Suggested cards include Amazon, Target, JC Penney, Visa and Kohl’s, and can be purchased at the Scrip table during coffee hour. Please make checks payable to Lyngblomsten Foundation. Leave donations in the designated box in the church lobby. Donations and cards will be taken to Lyngblomsten on Dec. 8.
Hats and mittens for kids
FHC will again collect warm hats and mittens for children and youth, to be distributed by the Department of Indian Work at Interfaith Action in St. Paul.
Hang your gifts on the hat and mitten tree in the lobby by Sunday, Dec. 15.
Buy a blossom to restock the food shelves
Help our neighbors in need by purchasing a silk poinsettia blossom for our Gathering Room Christmas tree. All proceeds will go to restock the Keystone Community Services food shelves. Checks can be made out to Falcon Heights Church. Please buy your blossom by Sunday, Dec. 22, or get your check to the office by Monday, the 23rd.
Support homeless youth
For 25 years, Avenues for Homeless Youth has supported its clients ages 16-24 including LGBTQI+ individuals. Whether a young person needs someplace to stay for just one night, or a year and a half, Avenues empowers youth to find their path out of homelessness. Their team of professionals do that by providing a stable home, building trusting relationships, and navigating the youth’s education, career, health and wellness and housing goals.
Supporting Avenues through Christmas giving can help to make the season so much brighter for the young people who are served through their programs. Either an offering-plate monetary donation or an item from the Avenues Holiday Wish List will be welcomed.
A decorated donation box will be in the church entrance Dec. 1-22 for unwrapped gifts you would like to purchase and bring to church.