Church members to be surveyed for pastoral search

Your collaborative work with the Pastoral Search Committee this summer has yielded a lot of great information about who we are as a congregation and what traits in a pastor can best support our vision as “Seekers and servants, growing in God’s transforming love.” Thanks to everyone who contributed to this work!

Now we need church members’ help with another task of great importance to the pastoral search. The PSC has put together a survey that will add to the information needed for our church profile. Even though a church survey was taken just a few years ago and some of the information might be repeated in this new survey, its focus is different and many of the questions have a different theme.

Today the PSC is launching an online version of the survey at We estimate it should take about 30 minutes to complete. Each adult and youth in your household is requested to complete a separate survey. Surveys should be completed by the end of September.

Sunday, Sept. 25, has been designated as Survey Sunday. There will be computers and iPads in the Gathering Room available to use before and after worship if you haven’t yet completed your survey by then. We will also have paper copies available on the back table in the Gathering Room beginning this Sunday, if you prefer that format.

Our church profile is a major piece of the “road construction” in our pastoral search – sort of like the ongoing phases of the bridge construction work on Highway 36 at Lexington. The profile is THE document prospective candidates will receive as their introduction to Falcon Heights Church, and this survey will help us get it done so we can move ahead to the next phase of the search. Thank you for your help!

Carol Holm
Co-chair, Pastoral Search Committee