Rev. Jacob Kanake to serve as supply pastor
By Lynne Bradbury, moderator
We have been traveling a three-month-long “road” in our search for a supply pastor to lead us in our ministry during the interim period between Pastor Anne’s retirement and the calling of a new pastor. The route has figuratively been one of twists and turns, road construction, looking out the window at scenic locales we want to visit, prayers behind the wheel and white-knuckle driving.
Over the past two weeks, the Spirit moved us toward a “green light” in our journey, for which we are grateful. The Supply Pastor Position Committee (Lynne Bradbury, Peter Duddleston, and Kyle Roeckeman) held interviews with two very strong supply pastor candidates last week. We were pleased to extend the offer to the Rev. Jacob Kanake and he has accepted the supply pastor position. Pastor Kanake’s clear understanding of the congregation’s work during this intentional interim period, coupled with his excitement for where we are headed, made him a unanimous choice. We are confident in his varied spiritual skills and gifts.
Pastor Kanake has already begun with preparations for worship this Sunday, July 2 (which will be led by Jacob’s spiritual mentor and professor, the Rev. Robert Albers), and for the July 8 Service of Prayer and Recommitment (see the article below).
We pray for Pastor Kanake as he attends the United Church of Christ General Synod as a clergy delegate on behalf of the Minnesota Conference from June 29 through July 3. Wednesday, July 5, will be Pastor Kanake’s first day in the office and in the role of supply pastor.
We acknowledge that this is a time of transition for each of us. And that likely there will be more twists and turns as well as pleasant scenic surprises along the way. Please pray for the congregation and for Pastor Kanake as we travel this section of road together as “seekers and servants growing in God’s transforming love.”