Sunday worship leaders
The members of the Worship Ministry Team want you! Each Sunday we need people to help with the following important roles:
Reader: Read scriptures and assist the pastor as needed with other reading during the service. Colleen will send you the reading ahead of time.
Greeter: Welcome people as they come in on Sunday morning.
Usher: Assist with seating people, handing out bulletins, receiving the offering, picking up after the service and turning off the lights.
Communion server: Serve Communion the first Sunday of the month. We’ll show you how.
If you can help, please sign up in the lobby or email or call the church office ([email protected], 651-646-2681) and tell Colleen what you would like to do and when. Questions? Contact Margot Olsen at 651-646-2983 or [email protected].
(Updated 10-24-17)