Book discussion: Healing the Heart of Democracy
- 6 p.m. Wednesdays, Oct. 3, 10 and 24 (no meeting during MEA week)
- Church Gathering Room
Join Patti Hoffman for a special three-week series as we read and discuss Parker Palmer’s “Healing the Heart of Democracy.” We suggest that you obtain and read the book before the first discussion. We’ll provide a soup and bread dinner each time.
Contact the church office at [email protected] or 651-646-2681 if you’d like to attend. You can still sign up if you can’t attend all three sessions (but please mention the dates you won’t be there).
“For those of us who want to see democracy survive and thrive–and we are legion–the heart is where everything begins: that grounded place in each of us where we can overcome fear, rediscover that we are members of one another, and embrace the conflicts that threaten democracy as openings to new life for us and for our nation.” –From “Healing the Heart of Democracy” by Parker Palmer