Teens and “The Talk”
St. Anthony Park UCC is hosting four free workshops to help parents of teenagers with “The Talk.” They have invited parents from Falcon Heights Church to take part. You’ll get tips on how to start these conversations about gender, consent, online safety and more.
The series is a springboard for the Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality and faith training for 10th through 12th graders. The two churches are hoping to get a cohort of young UCCers to go through OWL beginning in 2019. Please consider your teens’ involvement and come to these informative sessions.
- When: Sundays, Sept. 23 and 30 and Oct. 7 and 14, from 3 to 5 p.m.
- Where: St. Anthony Park United Church of Christ, 2129 Commonwealth Ave., St. Paul, in the church’s downstairs
Childcare provided
Family Tree Clinic and SAPUCC are partnering to bring this event to the neighborhood. Parents who attend all four sessions receive a $25 gift card. Every parent also gets resources. Please RSVP to [email protected].
If you know of other families who might benefit from this free introductory event, please share this announcement with them. Questions? Talk to Rev. Rick.