Holy Week: a time to reflect, celebrate
Join us for Palm Sunday and Holy Week observances April 9-16 and share in the mystery and joy of Jesus’ death and Resurrection.
Palm Sunday, April 9 – Worship at 10:30 a.m. We join in a festive blessing of the palms at the beginning of our worship service, coming forward to receive fronds as we sing our opening hymn together.
Maundy Thursday Service of Shadows, April 13 – A moving and meditative Service of Tenebrae (Service of Shadows) at 7 p.m. commemorates the night of the Last Supper and Jesus’ arrest with scripture readings, beautiful anthems by our choir, Holy Communion and the slow extinguishing of candlelight.
Good Friday, April 14 – On this solemn day, we remember the crucifixion of Jesus. Our candle-lit sanctuary will be open from noon to 3:00 p.m. for private meditation and prayer. Come and go as you are able; all are welcome.
Easter Sunday and Breakfast, April 16 – Our Easter Breakfast, sponsored by the youth of the church, begins at 9:15 a.m. At 10:30 a.m., all ages join to celebrate the Resurrection with bells and brass. Our sanctuary will be filled with spring blossoms and the joyful music of a professional brass ensemble will accompany the choir. A designated Easter offering will go to support the home-building work of Habitat for Humanity. (No First Hour faith formation this day, but nursery care will begin at 9 a.m.)