Share an Iftar meal
Ramadan is a holy month of the Islamic lunar calendar (May 5-June 4 this year) during which Muslims abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset. A meal called an Iftar breaks the fast each day. Next month, members of our congregation are invited to attend a traditional Iftar through Taking Heart, a long-running program coordinated by the Minnesota Council of Churches and the Muslim American Society of Minnesota.
Taking Heart aims to bring Christians and members of other faith communities together with Muslims for wonderful food and conversation during Ramadan. FHC members have participated in the past. There are two nearby open houses in May:
- May 13 at 7 p.m. at Masjid Alhuda–ICCC in Northeast Minneapolis.
- May 21 at 8 p.m. at Masjid At-taqwa, just outside the State Fairgrounds in St. Paul.
The open houses are free and open to the public, but you need to register online.
More information on Taking Heart