Special service May 5
Our worship service May 5 will have a communion theme and will end 15 minutes early, so we can move to the Gathering Room for a Crossroads Team-led “working” portion. We will close by noon with a hymn and a prayer.
The worship service will be a specially designed, narrated experience for all ages to more deeply enter into the meaning of communion.
As for the Crossroads gathering, here’s an update from our Crossroads Team:
“A small but plucky team of FHC members began a year-long journey this winter to understand where we as a congregation might be going and how to prepare for our future. The Crossroads Team, led by Cor Wilson and including the Rev. Rick King, Margee Fabyanske, Conee Biggs, Larry Schumacher, Brian Knapp, Mary Gaasch and Carol Holm, is working this spring on understanding the demographic trends affecting our community and revisiting our congregational road map from the pastoral search process.
“We plan to bring the findings of our initial steps to the congregation and begin gathering input from members about their hopes for the future of Falcon Heights Church, UCC, and its relationship to the community at a presentation and discussion on May 5.”