Your input needed on new pastor; here’s how to participate
If you missed the first Guided Conversation Sunday with the Pastoral Search Committee on June 26, you can still share your expectations of our next pastor regarding worship, faith formation, and creativity. Hearing from you is important to the journey we are on! It’s possible you will receive an email sometime soon from one of the Pastoral Search Committee members seeking your input. Or you can email your answers to the questions in the document linked below to committee Co-chair Jenica Domanico at [email protected]. Or you can choose to download and print the attached form, complete it, and leave it in the church office. Your input is valued and necessary to the committee’s work!
Guided Conversations #1 questions
For those who were able to participate in the conversations on that June Sunday, after hearing others’ perspectives, or now that you’ve had time to reflect on the experience, you might have changed your priorities or want to modify what you originally wrote. We welcome you to do that! The large charts are on display in the gathering room, and you can simply add comments directly to the charts.
The Pastoral Search Committee is in the process of compiling the results from the first Guided Conversations. You’ll find an initial summary document on the bulletin board in the foyer to the church. Because we hope to receive additional input from those who were unable to participate in June, this document will be a work in progress.
–Carol Holm, Co-chair, Pastoral Search Committee